
When you know ... you know!

awareness = leadership = healthy

Aldehydes are a fact of life.

They are in foods, pollution, produced by the body as well as in essential oils!

Pssst….. they are ALSO in hand sanitizers ‼️‼️

Additional oils containing aldehydes:

  • Cinnamon leaf

  • Cassia bark

  • Lemon Myrtle

They .. meaning aldehydes have a purpose. When produced in your body, they’re signaling molecules. That’s what essential oil constituents are … signaling molecules. At the same time, you are wired to metabolize them.

However, the process to break them down so that they can be eliminated is thwarted due to naturally occurring changes taking place throughout your epigenome.

These adaptations happen all day every day in response to stressors which is why becoming aware of and distinguishing between a True threat and a perceived one, matters. It’s how you help your brain with regulating the proper neurochemistry.

It’s important to note that these changes are not necessarily permanent and are, in fact, reversible. Yet, until you’ve strengthened your power of distinction, it’s a good idea to know about these compounds and their sources so that you can make an informed decision on how to reduce your exposure.

Man has been fooling around with chemicals for centuries. In 1774, Carl Wilhelm Scheele happened to synthesize acetaldehyde. It wasn’t until 1835 when Justus von Liebig determined its structure and named it aldehyde derived from the Latin phrase ‘alcohol deydrogenatus).

This discovery led to modern perfumery while impacting changes in the agriculture and manufacturing industries.

Aldehydes are highly reactive within the cell and can lead to DNA damage and alter protein activity and/or function. Understanding the impact reactive aldehydes have on the cell is significant because these aldehyde-induced alterations have the potential to trigger the development of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative diseases

This includes nutritional suggestions because genuine essential oils are an adjunctive tool .. NOT the solution.

There is a very specific process the body uses to maintain mitochondrial health and DNA function which is improved with the integration of oils support, yet there is a required compound to carry this out known as malic acid that is not in essential oils.

A list of foods with malic acid include:

  • Many fruits, with apples the richest source. Other fruits include cherries, grapes, blackberries, lychee, mango, nectarines, strawberries, oranges and lemons.

  • Vegetables, such as tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, peas, potatoes, tomatoes and rhubarb.

  • Wine and ciders (made from apples)

Another source I highly recommend is the supplement Magnesium Malate which is not always easily absorbed. That’s one reason essential oils matter.

They increase nutrient assimilation. However, I’ve found a form with a higher bioavailability.

Magnesium is a critical nutrient for good health. It protects cell health and supports your body in hundreds of other ways (that’s not an exaggeration).

To me this combination is worth considering. And I’m not just an Amazon Affiliate. I only recommend companies I not only align with, I use their products.

I’d love to hear your thoughts as well as questions!

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