
Restoring your sense of self ...

... because safety is key in wellness!

Fear dumbs you down!

😱 Political..
😱 The economy
😱 Relationship
😱 DOUBT in your body’s ability to be healthy
😱 Aging
😱 Doubt about personal abilities

Personalizing true essential oils eliminates the flinch💯 and helps you notice yet remain unhooked by the fear

Fear is an instinct wired into every living organism. Everything knows how to survive … even microscopic creatures with no smarts at all‼️

The world is in crisis mode which activates fear and triggers the need to control something because ‘what happens when the other shoe drops?’ The endless loop of thinking prolongs the internal reactions to this fear … your stress response on high drive!

Be the change you wish to see ..

Integrating genuine essential oils into your daily routine moves you from ~ fight /flight /freeze to rest /digest. You become ‘the calm’ in the storm despite the crisis. You are the wise one in the room because you KNOW the road to better times can be created.

You may not have all the answers at the time BUT you KNOW you have everything you need to figure it out💯👩‍🎓👨🏽‍🎓

Email me to talk further about how to defragment your awareness!


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