
Science cannot outdo nature ...

... essential oils are essential because the body cannot produce them!

What difference does the science make if all you want is to fix yourself?

You can’t fix perfection… Nature operates perfectly!!

Human beliefs suggest otherwise creating proof.

Hence … you get what you believe a.k.a. manifestation

Believing we need to fix ourselves is a protection mechanism that dates back to the dawn of existence. AND makes sense… we believed we were at the mercy of life and did what we had to do to survive.

Yet … living in chronic survival /protection mode is a dis-eased (lacking ease) state … say hello to health problems

Stop trying to fix you and the body you live in!

The cultural story is there is ‘something wrong’ with the human body! While you may be living with some sort of condition, the root cause of health concerns are linked to the disturbances a person feels and defines as emotions.

These are triggered by a variety of factors such as a disagreement, disappointment, household cleaner as well as geomagnetic activity and / or solar winds.

Become aware of what you’re feeling. Are you safe? Yes? Good.

Awareness helps you observe yourself. What’s going on? Did something happen? Did someone say something? Were you running through thoughts prior to feeling this way?

Take a moment with yourself. Identify, if possible, the ‘thing’ that’s triggering the nervousness. Appreciate your system for notifying you.

Learning how to generate ease about any situation alters your responses which helps produce outcomes you can feel good about ❣️


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